Aimed at improving safety through reducing the likelihood and severity of crashes, Hastings District Council is reviewing the speed limits, either in their entirety or on sections of 70 roads in our district.
The review is being undertaken after Council reviewed numerous requests from the public to consider further amendments across other routes during previous reviews in 2018 and 2019. As well as these public requests, Council is also reviewing roads identified by the New Zealand Transport Agency where speed reductions could make a big difference in preventing deaths and serious injuries. The review also seeks to align Hastings with neighbouring councils’ speed limit change proposals, and account for road and land usage changes due to development.
We want you to have your say on the proposed changes.
Kei te arotake te HDC i ngā pae tere, o te katoa, o ētahi wāhanga rānei o ngā rori 70 i te rohe, hei whanake i te haumarutanga mā te whakaheke i ngā tukinga nui, me te tūponotanga o ngā tukinga nui.
Kei te whakahaerehia te arotake nei e te Kaunihera nā ngā tono maha a te marea kia whakaarohia ētahi panonitanga puta noa i ngā huarahi maha i hua ake i ngā arotake i te tau 2018 me te tau 2019. Hei āpiti atu ki ēnei tono, kei te arotake hoki te Kaunihera i ngā rori i tohua e te NZTA ka whai hua nui i te panonitanga o te pae tere i te āhua ki ngā matenga me ngā whara nui. Kei te whai hoki te arotake nei kia hāngai a Heretaunga ki ngā tono panoni pae tere a ngā kaunihera pātata, me te kapi i ngā panonitanga ki te whakamahinga o ngā rori me te whenua ka hua ake i ngā whanaketanga.
Homai ō whakaaro mō ngā panonitanga e whakaarotia ana.
14 September 2020, 12:00pm
The roads under review are clustered into the followed areas:
Click on the tiles below to have your say on the specific locations. To offer general feedback, select the 'General Feedback' tile.
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