The proposal is described as a residential development, which comprises the following:
a) approx. 2,312m3 of earthworks (approx. 160m3 of which is to be removed off-site);
b) construction of 35 residential dwellings;
c) construction of a replacement carpark (40 parks including 2 accessible parks) to service the existing commercial garden centre and consented café;
d) associated landscaping; and
e) subdivision around the proposed residential dwellings creating:
The subject site is zoned Plains Production Zone in the Hastings District Plan (Partially Operative with the Exception of Section 16.1 & Appendix 50). The proposal requires resource consent as a Non-Complying Activity.
The application includes an Assessment of Environmental Effects, including specialist reports on Soil and Land Use Capability Classification Assessment, Contaminated Land Assessment; Geotechnical Assessment; Urban Design Statement, Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment, Transportation Assessment, Civil Design Infrastructure Report, Economic Assessment, and may be inspected at the Hastings District Council Customer Service Centre, 207 Lyndon Road East, Hastings, during office hours or below. Copies of the application are also available at Hastings District Council Public Libraries.
You can make a submission on the proposal by completing the online form below or downloading the printable PDF and emailing it to or posting it to:
Environmental Consents Manager
Planning & Regulatory Services
Hastings District Council
Private Bag 9002
Hastings 4156
Submissions close 5pm Monday 20 November 2023.
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